Dead Man Talking...

How many tears do have to hit the pillow before you see me?
Before I will actually see you?

Sorry darling but for this here production we used them liquid tears...

You mean to tell me that you don't think these are real tears of anguish seeping from my eyes?

Oh yes, do you remember these types of tears when we buried our daughter?

We had a daughter?

Yes, Isabell.

Isabell??? But I thought my daughters I had in heaven were Sarah, Taiah Jane, or wasn't it Delaney?

How many daughters do you think we have Miranda?
Silly...we have billions...more than even the counted stars!
Wasn't I the cutest little boy, Miranda?

Oh yes Jake you were!  So cute...(bawling) why did you do that to your mom?

Which time was I the cutest little boy Miranda???

Which time?  How can I pick..omg...everytime?  Everytime?

Every life.
Do you remember that time you rode an Indian bareback?
Oh gosh, yeah he's dead now too.
No that's not what I you remember that time you thought you said no?
That first time you cried for someone to stop hurting you?
Do you remember that time you were run over by a car?
Do you remember a pact we made at the dawn of time over the blood of something that brought seeping pain to our eyes you remember what you traded every piece of your flesh to save and have and hold again? was Isabell wasn't it...but I honestly don't truly recall until you remind me!

And we said we'd trade that pain for a Ram someday.

Hmm Ram you say...does it have teeth?  A grill?
No but its got a damn Jesus bumper sticker tattooed on her left ankle for sure.

Really?  You don't say?  I will take that "Black" nigga rich Dodge Ram please...and maybe a white one too...sprinkle in a Charger in sparkly blue and I am all American Hustler a Ram kind of family sealed in blood. Oh wait a Charger?  Nope not today...I only charge credit to things I can't afford.
Marlboro man you are pretty handsome!

Great idea on the tobacco industry....whoever would have known that our lil tree of good and evil was an obvious symbol of slavery and death...where the heck did I meet you again?  A bar? 

Are you sure you don't mean to say bark?
Oh wait yes.  Saw you there too at the tree where I saw evolution in the water and also got a bloody nose and randomly thought to write our names on a tree with my broken Nehus nose blood. Weird....we were so freakin naked skinny dipping playing hide and go seek in the water...yes dear I make you up in my chemical imbalance.

I agree you do for certain...your a super messed up person.
Like way way beyond human help of any kind huh?
That's real bad!
Bad about a spin through the legal system!!!
Now breath in. Ok out? Blow!  Blow hard! Can you pee in this cup? 

Hell no I am a lady!
What the hell is a cup Jake?  Oh you see we created these things we call balls and put a cup over them so we can play with bigger balls to keep the nuts safe.
Are nuts like family jewels?

I'd say!

Do you remember that time, I simply dared you to do something out of your character...
and you smiled and laughed and said "I will get right on top of that sarge!'

Wink, wink holla if you see this broad coming she will do just about anything to ride your pony!
Omg there you are beautiful broken Miranda again just hollering at the rodeo clown to make this stallion go faster.
Didn't you see my smile?  I was your rodeo clown.
Now close your eyes and try real real hard to remember trading something bad for good, including memories and pain and loss of love...and tell me were you riding a donkey or a man lol?
Was it like a really, really attractive donkey and did you try to get him to follow you because you cared about this Donkey so much?

Ah shit here's Eeyore again what to do?
Oh bother said Pooh.
And Tigger says I am so bouncy....too much fun!  Thanks for taking a ride on my donkey!
But you were fat and scarred. Brutal mutilation. Like chopping bits and pieces of you ever so slowly...taking this chunk and a little bit of that chuck of you inside and out until there is absolutely nothing to trade or call an enemy, or to even belittle in a way that would make sense.
So when you come to terms with this does it feel exciting???
Does it feel exciting when you can feel me breathing next to you?

Super duper yep Jake headed to the psychward yet again?
K babe I will meet you there.
Promise with your pinky toe?
Yes my beautiful Goddess...I would wear a ring around my pinky toe like it was only a little big deal at all.
How many shots can you take?

Liquid or needles?
How many needles until we have to shove them  into newborn children?
How many times do I have to remind you to take your meds???
Blowing 00 today!
I love you.
I love you too.

So when I shake that little angel bell and I think I am calling you back to it real?
Its a bell Miranda...its Isabell.
 So Miranda...when you're hearing all those little girls running up to hug their dads?  Do you think that's about you somehow?
So when you meet your savior and look him dead in the eyes of his broken, sullied body and he asks you to turn your cheek to save face or greet, can you?
Yes God. My father offered me a posable face...and air in my lungs...and a swollen bravodo chest that vibrates violently when passionate.

And so much more. So I cry out the names of the girls and you push out the boys?  Do we have a deal?

