
In thinking about my life story, I thought about my divorce and how it almost killed me.  For the most part everything in my marriage went well, I thought.  But I guess I wasn't a grown up either.  I had danced circles around my ex husband while I worked for the City of Billings on the Mayor's Committee on Homelessness. I facilitated meetings and planned a large event to impact homelessness in the area.  I did this as a Volunteer in Service to America, or VISTA.  And after I did that for two years everyone wanted to hire me...I was on top of the world.

While working at a homeless veterans shelter I became pregnant and then eventually manic.  I ended up in psych and had a grand mal seizure five months pregnant.  It was scary for everyone, but especially me.  After I came out of it I wasn't allowed to drive for six months. I did not go back to work until the baby was three weeks old, and then I was so fat and miserable and wanted to be home with my children that job did not work out.  A few months later I applied to a directorship to develop a non-profit to help establish women coming out of prison with re-entry services.  I beat out like 30 other people for the job and went to an in-service for three days.  Well they found out I was one class away from having my bachelors, and they let me go after three days.  Philosophy was the only class I needed.  I wonder if I would still be married if I had kept that job?  You see I was a dollar sign to my ex husband.  And after the psychosis and no job, he told me I was no woman.

We got into a fight and I moved in with a friend.  I started partying heavily.  It would go on that way for quite some time.  Then after one bad night of tequilla my friend kicked me out.  I found another place to live and went to meetings.  I lasted a few months dry and that's when I met Adam for the first time.  I did not think anything of him then, in fact because he lived in Alpha House and thats where my ex husband had lived when I met him I was turned off by him.  We talked a couple times, but I didn't think anything of him, whatsoever. Weird eh?  So I lasted about four months and then I was living with my parents and one night a friend of my moms came over with a bottle of wine.  I said 'Oh mom, one glass won't hurt.  And then offered to do the dishes while I finished other's glasses and the bottle.  It was off to the races.  That was 2012 and I drank pretty much every day and neglected my children.  At night I would cry myself to sleep.  I was suicidal for the first time in my life.  If I wasn't good enough for a man with nine felonies, who would I be good enough for???  And he had held nothing back from what he thought about me.

I moved in with a friend in Billings and had just gotten a disability settlement of $15,000, I had applied when I had the grand mal seizure and they had denied me.  So I went to Hudsons every day and drank and forgot about all the people that had loved me when I worked for the city.  I was miserable until the day I met a comedian there.  He made me laugh so much.  And so the tears stopped and I went to comedy shows and drank and drank.  I think I remember still being suicidal sometimes but the comedy took the edge off.  That lasted until mid September 2012.  One day I had been drinking where he worked and then left because it was my night for the kids. I picked them up and drove a few blocks to my house.  My exes girlfriend suspected I was drunk and came to take my kids from me...I said fine because I wanted to go party some more.  I went back to where the comedian worked but he didn't want to hang out with me and was very mean. So I went to Hudsons and met a stranger in the parking lot.  It was a bad night. I blacked out.

The next day I really wanted to die.  I had lost my little part time job and I laid in bed all day crying out to God to give me the strength to end my life.  It was a day that would change me forever.  My ex gave me a ride back to my car around five and he said "so this is your life now."  And I was destroyed.  I drank one more time and I couldn't get drunk no matter how much I put in my system.  I went to a meeting on September 17th, 2012 and that was my sobriety date for almost four years.

They say that alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful.  I don't know how I stopped thinking it was a problem?  But I did and I almost threw everything away.  I am glad for my relapse now, because I learned from it and my sobriety was revived.  It had been pretty stale, and now its alive.

I don't know how much of my story I am gonna be able to tell but I know this part is important...its the why of why I got sober.
