Adverse Effect

Photo Credit Probation and Parole

 God I don't know all your reasons, and it doesn't matter.  I have you by my side.  When I am weak you are strong.  So that makes me know you are very strong. And when I see the other side and we are so close that is when they shoot the medication in my ass.  I comply. For gosh sake, I comply with all the potent shit they put in me via keeping me quiet.  But God's plan for my life is much greater than I can even imagine, and I play in the realm often, so I know its already pretty magical!

Buried treasure backwards though time.  And I am the girl seeing literal snakes in my hair, mating with plants, and having DNA sequences spiraling up!  free on my own brain chemistry, well meds were on board as often, than not.  So maybe I have an adverse reaction to anti psychotics, which I have been forced to be on for 26 years. 

What a treasure the rights to a coffee bean recipe from the Garden of Eden!  Or me owning rights to the color blue, because I was the first with blue eyes, somehow.  These are all things that have gone through my mind and designed my surroundings in cop cars, cells in hospitals, prisons and jails.  

I was trading faces in the cell.  Every movement was imperative.

TO be continued.
