Psychotic State OF Montana 2014

I wrote this in a psychotic state in 2014.

My story is dedicated to all the Twisted Trans Sisters out there, the REAL MAN LEE BULL DIKES, BADASS BITCHES!!!  Lipstick lesbos, AND blue GENE femmeS. I wrote my story with my ass back in psych wards, and I wrote it all wards backASSwards, not knowing Y chromosomes, or nothing.  And then I thought the OH GEE KNOME DONE REALLY TOLD ME STORIES.  HE SAID YOU ARE KILLING ALL THE GOOD MEN, EVERY TIME I VISITED HELL!!!  ABORTIONIST!!!  ME? BUT I AM NEVER PREGNANT! I get drunk with men and never have a baby…I never needed an, ABORT SON?  Don’t do it HE WAS A PRINCE!  SO I SET OUT TO FELL ON KNEE STOCK PILE ALL MY RESOURCES AND ED YOU CAT SEAN, he helps me with my MEDS.  My name IS femme FATAL ATTRACTION, and I am PISSING ON MY OWN LEG AGAIN IN A DANCE RECITAL BECAUSE I WAS NERVOUS.  I HAVE BEEN A KNOWLEDGE STOCKER ALL MY LIFE AND NOT WITHOUT REASON.  EEEW AUNT TO GUY PULL HER  my CHEVY man needs a DOGDE Charger…I MEAN HE NEEDS A RAM!!!  HE a man he needs a nice ASS truck because he works so HARD!  Called me all DYED YUPPIE ehh ehh Eggbasket CASE?  PUTTING IT ALL DOWN ON THE TABLES , serving up some crazy program’s Shrek Fast and Slimming Shakes from nerve us Nehus. 
Don’t you ever try to outsmart my CON MAN SCENTS.  I call it HAPPY PERFUME. NATIVE. A Spirit ritual and BBRTYUTAL to the eyes. COPY THAT? PASS HER ASS LONG A HAGIN. SHE’s a Locomotives engine running down a track field. Kicking her legs, and splitting the chicks. Mustachis?  Nbeautiful nblonde?  Why SHE SO EZ?  SHE THINKS SHE IS SOEMTING SPECIAL OR SOMETHEKING LIKE THAT. SHE CALL ED GIFTED. MENTALLY DISABLED..stupid girl.  NLEEED HOME TOWN TO VICTORY? GOD HELPS ME TYPE FAST. NO body wants to be her furend? She talks sad songs to her CATS.  She talks to EVERYBODY and is nice! She plays boys like fiddles, never touching one.  She wears a mask and loves it’s TASTE to be so Stunningly Stupendous.  She is odd…no donuts! Educated precisely the way Me He Members to get home safe and sound.  WHAT?  WHAT THE HELL IS SH ETALKING About. TEXTING AGINA> what? She has a brokend vagina?  And sea sexSeans!  THIS IS NOT ADDING UP AT ALL! SHE IS A LUNARCHICK…I meant lunartick, no still not rihtgt she no how no typed writ enow. God must be telling her how she is gifted…he wispers at her sowl dumb mind. She is messing pu keys purposely Bait Dog in the house, cause WHO GODS IT?  I never know a man bye his umbilicus he forgets em. A wizard around your belly button? EVIL ATHIEST I LOVE YOU AND NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!  I am Pinocchio with a big NOSE. I am see you laters alligators flying PETER PANNING FOR HOLDS…holds on cells.  NO MORE MOTEL CALLS.  LOCK HER UP AND THROW AWAY HOUR KEYS. SHE’S HARRASS IN ME. LIKE SANDS THROUGH OUT THE HOUR CLASS! A simple woman really…not too bright or anything. NO ONE LOVES ME.  I am so silly and awkward.  A total retard pitching for the DODHERS. HOW LONG FORETOLD YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE?  HOLSY I CANT EVEN SPELLD ET! COPS ARE CO MEN WH YC ANT I FIGURE THIS OUT.  WEIRDOS.
 I can’t yell anymore, I can’t breathe, I am overwhelmed…worn outs, ridicule.  HATERS.  MOCKERS.  TEASERS. NO ELLE GETS ME!  I am insane.  JOIN MY CLUB.  I friended the entire world via COUSIN CONNECTIONS in the PHilli Pine Hills JOBenNile Detention Centre for broken boys, called me self, EVE BLACK. Like a PIRATE.  I was famous for about two months  before I was rejected from the Cocoon, I bought Dairy Queen nblizzards for the entire City of Billings…I call it BILLTOWN.  Anyone remember me from the Psycho yo’lil’fyi School? I chained my named too EVE RISNEy I mean DISNEY for this movie. Eve RISING I AM.  Shall I name my daughters Destiny Rose UP AND DOWN and Taiyah Jane KNIGHTLY? Could have been the last name Delaney but that’s my ex con VICTIMS, last name. He didn’t match my cooking skills very well. He called me a worth less wo man?  You no wo man, work at CM donalsds.  I said but yep, very brilliants wo man, why?  Why? Why?  Should I dye for you, over and over? KILL eDyed me blacked out for a year. Well That’s Fair to purposed dis labels woman!!!  I am bleeding all over myself like BLOODY MARY, look at me I am dyeing! Make something funny up quick!  Date a comedian, drink like a Danish Hustler and sing at HUDS Sex sons ate duplex. So ouch poverty I can barely Stan and Ginger it. And that’s when my Knight in shindig armor arrived, his “poor truck” calling me a hoe, to the “WHOLE” town, what a male doucher! Even though every whole man I have ever known would call him a pussy!!! He saddles right up and the wholes town thoughts we was crazy! A NEWCOMMER? WHO’ S taking the new Web Girl? I didn’t see him the first time. He rode a bike. Lame. You ALPHA AND OMEGA MEDICATION HATING, WIZARD LOVIN, LAUGHING AT JESUS! O U GAVE ME NIGHTMATES…I MEANS Mares. I am definitely a crack horse type of jail nut.  YOU can call me one bye sexual GODDESS from here on out. So some dude done stole my Orange cat and Gabe me nlack one, I mean a ballchick cat, he’s a baller that is BLACK. I named my cat after my lover, and everyone thoughtsis I lost “my precious” diamonds, stole by PIRATES or maybe by CALL UM again, I presume.
God said each one pick ONE.  Someday GOD…I said “I want a Jake with Black hair, make him the hottest football scar like a big tooth bite on my right leg, make him freckled like Bart who ain’t Half n her. Tell herhe she is worthless to every man she meats on all her life. She can’t do Aunty thing Rite Aid?  Now she gets her dope at WALL GREENS. She’s one Psycho STALKHER Barbie Doll by now…how did she know she met KEN? It’s all in my story, so let go back to the CRUSH, it was a junior high crush!!!  HOW THE HELENA? So In a land not so far away there was a sweet little boy and girl, pretending to have sex. It was in the 70’s, there were DISK CO BALLS EVERYWHERE!  He would also play Barbie’s with her all the time, as long as he could drive the DUMP HER truck. They built fortresses out of bricks and mud, and he nailed down her spirit down so good, she never forgot him, I think he even put her in a coughin! They’ve been in Better Land waiting for you all this time! HEALTH AND WEALTH AND PROPRETTY GIRLS EVERYWHERE!!!  What the HELL IS CAN SIR? YOU SIXK PEOPLE! My name is EVE and I don’t plant “seeds” in gardens, but I do water them and have cared for them all.  I watch all them pretty little flowers around me grow, and play, and the BEAUTY they have…and I get so damn jealous! And I count all my DOLL a BILLS on credits and loans,  given unto me like a magic CARZ crashed, body brutally damaged, and then CHARGES! First it was Burlington Street Edge Glasses SO THICK Heroe, that he lied to me, that he loved me, from the get go in HIS LIFE STORY. He was gonna DUMPERASS, before they somehow made ass whoopin SUN SHINE! WOO A LITTLE GIRL!!! MAZEY WAS HER NAME, sent to me in a vision dream…she had red hair and big blue eyes, rosey red cheeks. Mazey was THE NEW “MADISON” ON THE WEB, THE DAY AFTER I PICKED IT.  BUT BABY WAS A BOY, WEIRD!
 I do play charades very nutty well, thank you very much.  And I tell myself fantastic girly stories, about fairies and such. Princes and evil MoneyStars. AND NOW I AM A BOUT TO DODGE BALL RAM YOUR ASS OUT OF THE PARKING LOT, ALL YOU GAME USERS.  CAUSE I CAN KICK MYSELF IN Thee head I AM SO flexible - in able to do just about damn anything…LIKE A REAL HANDY Mandy. Just like my man, he can do just about anything too.  But we is poor.  I will tell you why it is so…it’s a little about Well That’s Fair and some empirical genetic coding. Poverty cycles planned…as if we were the “wash.”
I never watch TV its boring to me.  WAKE UP!  HOW ABOUT SOME GAMES ON THRONES? I can’t even SPELL ON YOU PEEPS!  WHAT kind of stupid girl can Break on Through to the Other side, from ill legal drugs or and sell on some legal ones and hate them, cause they make her crazy? She’he s a weird attic! THE MOST SPORTED SPARTAN KNOCKOFF!  SHES IS  DIZT NOW SHES BRILLIANteRdanYOU. Who’s line is it anyway?  NEED MORE COKE? NOW I DON”T LIKE FIZZY DRIMYKENDOWN, VODKA and Orange JEWS?  WHOS THE DAMN NAZI HERE?  LOVE ME, OR HATE ME COMPLETELY, I GOT SUM TIN TO SAY.  Let’s play CLUE with the CRAZY CAT DOG LADY,  WOOF WOOF LITTLE SISTER. OH amend my Brother, he’s  depressed he’s a gifted Met a Nick, he’s just does lube JOBS. Do you Neda CON DUMB?  What is the world O Con O MarkWALBERG coming to?  MY BYE SEXUAL FAMILY IS THE NITTIEST FREAKIEST SHOW IN CLOWNS! WE”VE ALWAYS BEEN ON TB SHOTS FOR EVERY DISEASE. DO HEARING AIDS EXIST?  We are hilarious people!!!  MY OWN LittLE BRADY BUNK OF PILED UP GRBARGE WRECKED POOR WHITE TRASH BAGS OF GOLD no “The TV” don’t work, cause we’s religious!  SING E LOVE SONGS JESUS!  E HARMONY WE HAVE!!!  ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR THE THREE MUSKETEERS, THEY RESCUED ME ALL NIGHT LONG! I think I doubt my GI JOE WILL EVER ET over it?  TUNE IN TOKYO. SHE’s LOCKED AND LOADED ON SOUL CRAZEE PILLS! OH MY THE “MEAN” OF MY DREAMS! I LOVE THE WAY U TALK DIRTY TO ME ON THE RADOI…DROID, I just got a text! Talking about taking me to heaven from sex! SOUNDS LIKE MAGIC Mirrors…we look so alike…YOU ARE MY SOULD MATE THE CAPTION OF MY SHIP! SAIL AWAY WiTH ME!  In a land like the epicenter of society in a little town of make believe two town prisoners were held captive by the LAW OF ORDER.  “CELL ONE, I FREEBASED LANDED THE AIRCRAFT, AND I GOT HER? AND SHE WON”T STOP TEXTING ME!!!” I TOLD YOU I WAS A GOOD GIRL!!!  TOUCHED ALL OVER BY ANGLES MY WHOLE LIFE. BUT I HAVE NEVER HAD MY WAIST MEASURED BY A MAN WITH A METAL TAPE MEASIR! DAMN THAT WAS HOT! HERE IS OUR STORY…I hope it makes common cents.  And remember I didn’t always know what I was drawin to you…I can only draw stick people like a Cave Girl haha! I am the QUEEN DIKE, cause I like boys who ride bikes with nice abs from Gangsta Land to the WESTSIDE LIKE TUPAC!  I TALK TO DEAD PEOPLE OF HELLOWOOD ON MY SECRET AGENT DROID MOTOR ROLLER!  All of them know me!  I am International Bitches!!! A Vampress PIRATESS, making ya’all a Scary “Ghost” Story…eeeewww creepy!  ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILD KING.  WHY DO FRAME US NERVE AUNNAS DIE AT 27?  Nobody understand me? I can go to Hastings and look at the titles and never have to watch them because it’s a tripped out spiritual game!  Want to play???  Are we having fun yet, with the crazy lady?  WHO WANTS TWO WORLDS TWO COLLIDE IN MIND BODY AND SOUL??? I didn’t pick my NOSE JOB for NOTHING! LOVE YOUR BIG NOSE GRANDPA…it’s huge!  And my TRANS PURSE ON ALL therapist helped me so much!  I am pretending to SUE her Wright NOW FOR SHOW!  It’s called SKIT SO EFFECT IF DIS ORDER.  She told me that most stalking cases end in murder, suicide…some real violent drama…ACTION PACT I am.  THE STOCKER EVE RISING!!!  PUT THAT ON THE SHELF, AND NEVER READ IT!  STOCK, REPEAT, STOCK, REPEAT. Crazy like a computer chip?  I need to read a whole book about BOUNDARIES?  TAG YOU ARE IT!  SUCK A FISH!  ARE YOUR EARS PIERCED WITH DIAMONDS, Cause you rock my world, and  I never even got to bite them! I’ve have however been draining all your blood out making you a WHITE SUPREMICIST ASSHOLE! GO HIDE IN YOUR SHACK AND NEVER TALK TO ME UNTIL THE JUDGE LETS YOU OUT. And I play violin for the DONNA’s now!!!  You rock star, guitar playing me EVERLONG ALL MY LIFE!!!  STAGE LEFT, AND ACT SON!!!  HELLO, I WAITED FOR YOU!!!  Have you ever crossed dressed?  Car Heart Wearing, posture perfect, shy boy, trippin, me all over town! WHAT A GAME!  YOU ARE SOOOOOO MMMMMEEEAAAAANT FOR ME!!!  I bought the Second Season of Games of Thrones over a year ago, and its STILL WRAPPED UP! I didn’t know why but I just couldn’t stand a couch without you! Silly little flower you are! ARE YOU DEALING?  OR AM I? HARD TO READ YOUR MIDDLE FINGER.
