Mystery Machine

Far out knarly man!
Keep on trippin the tracks and flippin the lid.
Oh the mysterious vixen la la..,
She's a dreamer.
Born of the generation Why Not?
Small town tragic cheerleader gone awry.
She plays a hope melody...on her fiddle.
That she plays for a rock band topside...
But Flatt she can't carry a tune besides...
"You got me in chains for this love."
Baby tell me why?
Tragic magic on the mike.
I mean nervous as hell, socially awkward,
And that's damn ok, a'ight?
Time machine mystery man,
Would you fear this trip again?
Could you look back and say damn she a'ight...
That vixen la la?
Cray cray beauty traded for sensuality awkward possession?
La la Vixen don't mess around.
Ooh. La La.
Poster child for the type of cray creative daisy picking,
Put flowers in her hair...
Rock your boat type of cray cray.
The biblical proportion of someone you want on your side,
When it all falls down.
She will intuitively know how to handle things that will baffle you.
And it may seem odd but your knocked knees told her the way.
"I don't talk much" mystery machine says?
Said enough.
Certainly made an eternal impression on me!
Like a millennial once in this life time never gonna get 'em.
Fat chance in hell, about face?
Cray cray beauty you know I love you!!!
Cray cray imaginary best friend and lover...
Won't we always have each other?
My mystery machine of time says you can never take back
What was mine.
Weird ass cray cray man, why do you do this for me?
Hop in you time machine and make the mystery unravel.
Take it all the way back to 1977.
My conception of December...
its cold and lonely.
And the heart that beat in me then, knew you.
Somehow mystery machine of time,
Answer me God...
Was he once mine?
Flash forward...the end to the beginning.
Truth be told.
There was a key to all this.
A key and a promise made between a man and woman.
A long time ago.
Whatever you do.
Promise you won't forget the...

Dun dun dun cliffhanger!

Aaaaaawwww more ideas for my 2nd book!!! I am dedicating next week to writing as much as possible and no not my half hour blogging.  I have great ideas and maybe I should just go with it even when I di t have a lot of time and the house is a mess!