Heart's cry is recognized.
A pallatable wanting to taste...
To touch.
Nothing will do...nothing will do but you.
Theres an empty hollow of waiting.
There's a "is this gonna take my whole life?"
For all to see?
Sometimes I see EVERYTHING.
Sometimes I see NOTHING.
Sometimes the in between is horrid!!!
How can I go on this way?
I know GOD's got me...
I know He has a plan,
But this waiting.
Waiting in space and time in nothingness...in futility.
Its like a prison this life in itself.
Not knowing whats happening in the other realm.
Being medicated away from knowing...
To serve little purpose whatsoever.
God please set this right.
Please end this night.
Im ready for battle.
Just bring me to it.
Psychological warfare... I am ready.
My heart's cry is that you would unsplit my worlds.
I feel like I am in a cage...supposed to be writing this book. And I cant or dont.
Feel like I am in repreive, long enough.
Dont know exactly what I am asking...
Only that I need something different...for truths to be made plain.
Dont know what I am asking, other than to know what is real.