
Wondering how weird it is so be turned down by every so called normal thing you try to be normal at? Like getting paid to write? Hmmmm whatevers clever I guess. Every time I turned around it's like my nightmares where everyone is telling me "no." Wouldn't be odd at all except I had this exact night mare for twenty years almost every night vivid. Now I play with Peter Pans shadow.

Hey Peter?
Yes doll...I am here.
I see you.
I hear you. You are valid.
You're right it's not a dream or vision...
It's just your eyes in your heart...
Bouncing on light off a daydream and...
knowing your edge.
Just your eyes in your heart making mine beat.
Just your absolute nothingness in this realm.
A thin white lie in a tale of the ocean...and a hard swallow in a deep cry.
Sacred as the dove... whispering in your ear this very moment beyond your heart.
You know the one with your eyes?
Yes Peter I can see my shadow...and I can hear your shadow!
So go now Cinderella and clean and paint and draw and write!
Right Cindefella it will all be alright. Just penniless down to a zero balance in debt and couldn't sell my black and white nothings to my own movie set.
Movie? off!
No Peter I am Tinkerbell and glitter don't talk!
Ok doll. Go back to your house.
Go back to go.
Collect. Collect. Collect.
My shadow.
