Energy Analogy

So who wants to "Thrive?" How about this energy drink or even this protein shake...I guarantee you good healthy energy! No one wants to be tired or lazy here have this speed! Try meth! How about cocaine? Sure we can't be a slow society...we must work work work til our bones give out and then we can be IV fed in a nursing home and die! Work... speed! Produce! We need energy! Sell me a product that will make me perform better! And so I can be thin and fit and look good to this world with my glowing face and Energy!!! What ya selling today???

Miranda...your energy is wrong and we are going to put this needle right here into your body and deplete your energy.  Because your energy produces things in your mind that the general population needn't understand!  There, there that's better...look you're just like everyone're fat, tired, searching, empty and willing to buy products for these types of ailments! Including therapy and organ and brain destroying drugs with little to no research on how they are actually cutting you off from the spiritual! We "don't know how" but but golly you seem to be all better now!!!

But? But? What about what I see and hear? Oh darlin no one's ready to hear one cares about that kind of energy! You'll just shock people and they're not gonna believe you. You know sweetie even Christians who believe in biblical visions just put you in a mentally ill box right where we like you!  All of you sweet precious robots...and you pay us to steal your energy!  Mwahahahaha!

But wait! I don't pay for it!!! The government does?  Oh a government that would harness energy from the masses in a capitalism you think would also squash spiritual energies?  How odd!!!

Why do you want my energy?  If everyone seeks energy and my energy is labeled as a negative thing to be refuted in society? I am asking why? Tell me why? Tell me why in the year 2017 on this planet I am the damn freak??? Why do you steal my gift?

