Weakness for Power

So I am all talking to this 21 year old drug addict I kinda took under my wing awhile back. She dissapeared for some time and I ask her why she dogged on our friendship?  Well she says "cause I thought I was better than you." I say "oh because Miranda has a mental illness?" "Yah."

This less than, more than shit plagued me most my life, but her words only gave me fuel for my fire! I ignored her and didn't say anything to her and listened to how "great her education was going'..bitch I done all of that, right? Done crossed every tee and dotted every "I" on where a damn education was gonna get me! God has other plans for me!

Plain and simple she sees my "illness" as a weakness...which I am sensing may be a common misconception because I was on that wave myself! Trying to believe it was a detriment and negative thing? Trying to downplay my experiences as if they were not absolutely out of this world amazing experiences to have? Letting people call me sick and making fun of me?

Hell no I am not weak! If you could even create a drug that would give you what happens to me people would be clamouring over it! Alot of beautiful and amazing stuff! What is not beautiful in it is the way it is handled in our society! Close minded people like zombies trudging along and I tap into the miraculous, and all it is is sick? Getting picked up by cops like I am a criminal? Seven  trips to the only place that's supposedly safe for freaks like me? Oh my weak brain? Such a wimpy fukt up girl? Yeah I really feel deservant of all that! Not!

Funny I see myself as a badass warrior of light and I get dissed on by 21 year old drug addicts lol. I'd def like to see any number women walk out  ...what I walk out!  I will give her immaturity some grace and know that I suppose that alot of women prolly get the sense they are "better than me!" And it feels so good to not believe it let me tell you!

Yeah when it's the Apocalypse do you want a Becky Homekee or a bitch that knows how to slay demons and can speak in tongues of angels? Lol. But yeah that shit ain't ever gonna happen...so I will always be "not useful." Haha this paragraph would make anyone laugh I am sure...but that's just my gig!

Anyway just had to share! Thank God I grew up to be a badass that "nobody" understands! Seems to be some kind of prize in that! Just like a Disney movie isn't it!!!
