No Pressure Bonnie!

I have just been laughing kinda in relief.  OMG no pressure or anything? I am one helluva focused woman...holy Hannah sweet Mary and Joseph and little baby Jesus!

I just feel relieved after my last post. I thought of this song...and I listened to it and just started laughing and laughing. Maybe slightly have let go of attachment of a psychotic nature. yikes! My voice over and"entourage" keeps telling me not to laugh its not funny...but I am really feeling so relieved that I can even express letting go...because he has a "baby" with someone else, ya know. I am not kidding that the mounting pressure was about to fukn explode my brain...cell by cell and dude I just feel like I am kicking some demons asses right now and totally filled with the Holy Spirit.

And I feel breathtaking relief from chains! Or something like a brick house landed on my on vj-j a long ass time ago and took me hostage. And I am set free!!! I think. Yes I think so.

I am telling you I do find myself "slightly extravagant" and just a little fukt up. Lol. Bit much. This song reminds me of me... kinda funny I hope and way fukn ridiculous.

Now I just need help with a flat tire! Adam? Oh Adam?? My imaginary man? Are you there? Ok I can't stop laughing. I hope that he is ok. No pressure at all!!!
