Devastated Birthday

I don't know how I hear or what I hear right now. I'm afraid to listen. I know it's yelling, it's like a fuzz of noise in my brain. I know it's the dimension of hell. And I don't know why I am supposed to hear it. I just know there is a stirring is that spiritual or mental? Do you fear me because I can hear it? Does me hearing it make me someone to fear? Does it put a label on me? Does it make me seem capable of a tragic scene?

I don't know how to process the Vegas shootings. What a crappy thing to have happen on my birthday.  Reports state that he was a pretty normal guy...but I am sure it will be called mental illness here soon enough. And then yet more stigma will ensue. More fear, more judgement. Just like I am sweet (mostly) and I remember some one just absolutely shattering my heart when they said I could have killed Adam in 2013. I would never harm a hair on Adam's head and yet that's the rap I got.  You know and I think he is scared of me because of assumptions that swirl around and movies about psychos. Or maybe even after all my years of explaining I am just still really freaky?  Creepy he said...before I knew I was creepy at all!

So what's the background story on Vegas...we will hear it and every detail on what makes a psycho a psycho killer. I might want to say and just going out on a limb here is that this is an inside job. Government job. To propogate fear and mayhem...anger and FEAR. And I don't think it's the end of this type of travesty... right because they happen we have vigils and we blame it on a "psycho individual" and that's the story we believe. And 9-11?  That's been proven to be our government.

Its just my opinion though and also my opinion is that Flatt is boiling for change right now.  I see Utopia when I go to Concord and there must be a collision of sorts.

We all go. I mean every soul...I wish I could explain better the things I have seen. So even this psycho killer...and all the generations of people before him that have harmed society or not, been upstanding or not.  Good or bad. Rich or poor...

And that is just what I know about these upside down states. Is that ultimately plans for evil, God will turn for good. And that every soul is accounted for...and there will be no more tears. And I am pretty sure I've already been there.

But for right now this Stephan Baddock's soul is in hell.  Just ultimately believe he won't be left there for eternity.  Just nope don't believe this Game of Life ends with ANY of God's children paying for eternity for generational curses or "mental health" issues. I don't believe in permanancy of your "one life" deciding such big consequences. Just don't anymore it's hooplah.

And if I didnt have psychosis maybe I would still believe in all that I was taught as a Christian growing up. But to me being rejected for not having exact beliefs tells me really alot about religion in general...everyone thinks they are right. And every last word of it in  any religion was made up by humans! And I guess my soul remembers love before it was a word. Or had pens to write it all down. That's why I feel the need to protect an umbilical cord...and scream about ending abortion in the ER. You know cooky weird shit about loving your off spring.

Anyhoo good morning.  Sending a prayer up for Vegas and I know we have more soldiers in heaven. Fight the good fight!
