Battle Gallactica

Somehow its all my fault.  Somehow its all on me...all of the evil that has ever happened in all of existence...I hear all of eternity fighting over different things.  And they tell me its my fault and that I need to figure out how to fix all the pain that ever existed.

Um right, I will get right on that.  Yeah and I have heard it since I was I am growing up just enough to call bullshit.  I guess when you get to see beautiful also get to see the darkness. I don't want to medicate, I want to face it.  Because I have seen the truth...I have swam in and absorbed the truth, and this is simply just like my nightmares, and though they may attack me relentlessly I am just gonna keep fighting it. Its really time I face my own demons.

I am not gonna say much else of this.  It will be what it will be.

I had a nice time with Jenn tonight. We laugh alot together its always a good time basically based on teasing me, which I find us to be hilarious and clever with our banter.
