"The Fringe Population"

Why do you need help? I woke up pretty much in tears to a call from a friend...according to past few blogs and dire financial crisis.  I had two calls back one from Family Service and one from Chase Hawks.  The Chase Hawks lady actually was quite mean and no matter how I explained that I had been sick...lost jobs...continue to not be well...etc. It did not matter. How are you falling through the cracks?   Well the cracks are fukn big lady!  She basically said I needed a case manager...and I said the MHC said "I didn't need one" after it was court appointed.  "Oh really." Well you have to have a referral from one to get help from us!  She could feel I was escalating into being condescending about how "help" gets applied and basically hung up on my cries for help. Like "no I don't care if you've been in the hospital six times...why do you need help?" She was quite aggressive in figuring out why I was asking!  I understand these places do get abused...why? Why and why again? Viva la Revolution!

And I don't have a disconnect notice yet on my utilities and I made my rent payment...so Family Service said they couldn't help me with anything with my car. Interesting that you have to completely get to the point of disconnect and freaking carelessness about the very basics and then they want to help you.  What does this make people's priorities? Doesn't it make those damn shitty hotels seem more practical?  DUOH.

Why is there such a societal divide between the have's and the have nots?  Why do I have to think about selling my wheels and moving into a crappy apartment downtown and riding the bus now? When its my access to my kids?  I do not want to live in Billings, MT with no car?  Why?  Maybe my destiny is to be a super hot street lady hollering about injustice and randomly getting naked so I need to tear down an American flag to cover up?  Or feed the plants and flowers with my "special juice?"  Seriously WTF? is that it? Do I need to GET REAL DOWNTOWN?

So instead of "yammering" on with this I am gonna do something.  I am gonna call a list of people and see if they would help me!  A whole fricken list that I found right in my professional portfolio, LOL.  I don't qualify for ALOT I know...but I am just curious about financial cut offs and what people are helping with and rather than being condescending and like "really?" I am gonna use my professional voice demeanor and say "Ok thank you for your time..."  And then I am going to get with my Doctorate friend and analyze the stats.  She is fringe too.

I helped with the logo for the Billings Area Resource Network (BARN.) I facilitated the meetings and my old manager in Community Development said I could still use them.  Hell, she said I could start up the BARN again if I wanted. "Well hello, I am with the Billings Area Resource Network and I have a some questions about your services qualification and income guidelines!"

And meanwhile since no one from YWCA has called me back about trying to find a job and disability accommodations for that...I am just gonna be the little bump on a log that I am and get all statistical and shit.

Here is some stuff I designed and implemented back when and that article with the funny picture that looks like I am holding my leg in the air!  Check out the detail on the service inventory!!!
