You Kick This Love 2017

Ok so I can see what posts people are reading and someone came up with this one from 2015.  I knew what I had experienced was healing but not quite the full realization of what it meant for my life at the time.  I wanted to share what I wrote then.
February 2015
" You kick this love. Trust. Love. Trust. Straight to the curb. I have had this theory all along that real man is healing to me, specifically his touch. Okay so I am not all shades of graying you, I mean like the energy he produced for me in a hug or a cuddle on the couch. I only have this theory because of these reasons:
A: My nightmares are gone.
B:  I am able to feel touch. And discern good or bad.
C: Mentality stronger

I was told that touch was healing to bipolar people which is something I had never heard before. Well probably for any affection starved human the first experience like this would keep you writing about it for two years lol...if only that was all that happened. I got plenty keeping me going.,,especially book 2 which is fictional... mostly. Touch is healing who knew?

No wonder I was all about getting touched by Adam..,and it all opened up a can of worms all right. I walk this alone, well I guess besides my readers. People around here just make fun of me about him and my stories that I say could make me money...scoffers, have never had so many! Dig it! Seems like the more I am up against the more it's gonna have some shine on it. The flower that blooms in adversity baby!

On another note here in Montana you have to give Dna if you are a felon.  That's creepy. Seemingly falls into conspiracy theories and such. It made me cry a little, you know to be systemized like that.  After having worked so hard in life, to get ahead. But this DNA thing is gonna fit right into my book like butter on bread."

Ok so I had horrific nightmares for about 20 years.  Graphic and violent and I was always attacked and it was pretty much every night.  There would be periods of relief and some worse than others but I knew they were trying to tell me something.  After I went to heaven the nightmares stopped completely I don't remember for how long but it was quite some time that I had beautiful dreams.  These days I don't dream as much.  Occasional nightmares but I am so much stronger that I can usually out wit my assailants. It's more of a "taunting" dream than how scary they used to be.

Meaningful dreams though.  Alot about dna, gender roles and morphing.  Soon I am going to write my theories from what I saw spiritually about Crossovers.  I want to take my time with this and will use my laptop and a word doc... Because I want it to be good. I was getting to all that in my second book...Which I have put the first five chapters on my blog.

Maybe I will have to finish that book! I got such good feedback on it in my writing workshop.  Unfortunately getting ideas for that I actually have to cross over, so it's up to God...Really is.

And kickin love and trust unlocked some pretty magical shit in my life! Wow! Love. Trust. That's a Pantera song if you didn't know! You kick this.
