Poetry Contests and Easter!

Lol...who writes poems that are only 70 words and 26 lines?  I sure don't!  I'm sorry but your poem is 119 lines!  I didn't think it was that much!  I think thats a misread....but anyway. Love poetry is long and languishing, don't you know?  Duoh! At first I tried to submit "Ghost" as a poem...that was a popular one for some reason 82 people read it in like a minute and I was like omg this is it!  Too long. Haha.  So then I tried "Pearl Harvest" I like that one...but this contest is a little picky, if you ask me.

But you can make cash on these things!  I never knew!  And there is one that is looking for song lyrics...I've always thought there is some music in the way I write.  I feel like a whole new world is exploding on me and all I had to do was google it! Haha that will teach me to be all up in my head and waiting for everything to come to me!  Wow I am a dork!

And I also emailed some therapists.  Its just played out with my dude.  I keep going my PTSD was healed its a miracle of God!  And I don't even know if he believes in God, so thats a real issue! I once asked him if he did and he said, does it matter?  And for the longest time I thought he could help me without it mattering...but it really really does! And he always says we need to talk about your trauma some more...and I am all dude, no we don't!  I need to move past that.  I've been healed and its a miracle and well it would be nice to have a therapist that would chew on that with me.  He's been great for alot of things, but time is up!!!

Anywho I think I am gonna head out to my second hometown...Laurel, Montana for a breakfast meeting.  Small town. I like to think I am a Seattle girl though at heart.  Born there, and went to college there.  I would move back in a blink...but I don't think my ex ever would.   Unless I buy him a mansion next to mine...lol!  I really love the way I think! Wink, wink.

 Ok that Poetry Site is messed up.  I picked out "Like Me Now" and it has like 16 lines and it said it had 46.  Yep don't have the patience to deal with that shit!  I will google it again and try a different one. Off to breakfast!

Oh and I woke up with no kids and forgot it was Easter. I'm going to my little church of misfits!  Happy Easter everyone!  He is Risen!

