Medicaid Braces

I needed braces for a tooth that wouldn't come down.  So I got my upper teeth fixed.  So you would think???  That if you are putting braces on a would just put them on the bottom at the same time?  My tops are straight and I wore the head gear faithfully.  But my bottom teeth are pretty crooked.  So I am asking for an invisiline.

And I want Lasik eye surgery that's affordable for every body.  Contact damage your eyes and I have been wearing them since 1993.  And I have paid for my own glasses with cash.  I have had Medicaid glasses and I have gotten really expensive glasses with "diamonds" in them with Care Credit. 

When I asked for an Copper IUD after my divorce...Medicaid would not cover that.  I paid $900 on Care Credit.  It was that important to me.  Copper prevents conception. I believe life begins at conception.  Mirena is full of hormones, and works differently than copper and just keeps an embryo from attaching to the uterine wall. Thank God I went to Ultrasound School! Guess I am sensitive for some reason and so "special," to have all this knowledge just coming together these days.  Especially since I am not "qualified" to push a stapler in a hospital...LMFAO.  I believe I

When I want a "holistic approach" to my wellness it must come out of pocket.  My only options in the past seven years has been the state and what they want for me. And they have had their hands in my life...all my life.

So you can take your "PLAN B" and YOUR ABORTIONS to HELL. 

POPULATION CONTROL MY ASS!  My MOM watches "The Midwives" on Netflix!!! I seen it once and knew what it was about!
