
My grandma is in a nursing home right now after gallbladder surgery.  I went to see her.  I showed her pictures of Buckley the goat and the dollhouse stuff and told her I was sick all last week with hanta lol!  I didn't tell her anything about my blog blowing up...though I am super pumped!  I think that is something different in me too. Public discretion lol! Or knowing when to not say something...New to me!

I think I did tell Grandma about the sperm falling from the sky and turning into green army men.  When it happened a couple years ago. Lol. I remember her eyes getting big, but thats about it! I don't think I have any discretion in psychosis...Nope don't at all!

My grandma is in a very legalistic religion.  I was in it from six to fifteen.  The women can show no vanity. Cannot cut their hair or wear jewelry.  My stepdad grew up without TV and I think radio.  Oh and women must wear dresses everyday.  Good people but very strict. What's sad about it is I asked Grandma once if she knew she would go to heaven? She said she wouldn't know for sure until she died.

Well grandma you are for sure going to heaven! No worries! I'm not worried either!  My life has been an utter wreck, but God knows all about it and loves me anyway.  And that's the way I see it.

So yeah didn't mention love addiction or bipolar or assassins to my grandma. I think I am generally quite capable of keeping my foot out of my mouth these days.  Keep it light.  Casual. Petty conversations.  Back off from the serious ones. Laugh alot...Cause I am jolly! Lol

Sure hope I don't get life in prison for my blog!  I sure don't be "discreet" on here!  I'm waiting to pick up my boys for an extra weekend.  I am lonesome for them, and it will be pleasing to get out of my head and spend some time with them.

I'm wearing a shirt today that says I'd rather be a mermaid! Lol...Goofy!
