Business Plan

I am not really a direct service kind of know working directly with the "served population."  I found this out the hard way from going from working in Community Development to being in charge of a homeless veterans reentry program and a then working at runaway youth organization.  Its too much for me emotionally to hear all that pain. I like helping people very much...but I could never be a therapist...and I am finding out its even hard for me to be a sponsor.  I am just built for indirect service.

So the dude from Addictive and Mental Health Disorders is not calling me and I was told to write a business plan for that job...which would be me being a peer mentor for AMDD...that would be direct service and it would drain me.  I thought about it just this morning and that is not my vision.  Its bigger of course!

So I wrote this up real quick.  It needs some tweeking and it used to take full committees of people to come up with this stuff, but I am just gonna use my own head for this, lol.


Mission:  To advocate for those with dual diagnosis of alcoholism and mental illness by utilizing personal experience to assist in individual recovery process.  While collaborating with other established processes the Peer Mentor will serve as a one-on-one guide at a non-professional level.  Supportive consistency is important to the overall wellness of recovering individuals.  BLACK INK will facilitate training Peer Mentors to serve this role in our community.

Vision:  By incorporating learned skills in recovery,  The Black Ink, Peer Mentoring organization will develop a strategy to improve wellness in our community, with a forward thinking approach of mental health awareness and the possibilities of recovery.  By directly impacting those in underserved populations,  Peer Mentors will have experience with being in that subgroup.  The overall vision of Black Ink is to utilize personal experiences to motivate and fight the stigma of mental illness and addictions. This inclusion of services will help bridge the gap between our current state of services and the high demand
