On and On It Goes

My love life is derailed and deranged. Seems that felony probation decided that I can't date Mr. Clark with the same last name as my birthdad. Such a bummer! Kinda ridiculous since we were good for each other...did healthy recovery stuff together.  He is in a treatment court right now pending felony DUI charges...so yes they can tell him he can't date a felony stalker.
I wonder why I dont like normies? Like what about a doctor or a lawyer??? Like someone without the bad boy edge? Adam was a bank robber ...Dragon a felony DUI and my ex husband had nine felonies for drugs and theft! I don't know, I like a bad boy gone good! There's something in the redemption story that gets me??? A recovered felon is kind a hot like they have an edge and something special in them like a story and character and well... Gods grace. Normies kind of bore me...isn't that sad? I think like what about a nice guy with no record? That's a whole different world than where I am... although I am only a felon for one more year!!! Wahoo to that!!!

So Mr Clark and I are not to associate and it was going so well.  The Po did this to me and Dragon at the beginning of our relationship too...they have way too much power...lame. And it's like I am doing so much better mentally than when committed my crime of stalking three years ago...almost four. And that was all coincidence anyhow...those strong feelings for Adam don't transfer to other guys. And I was just saying in a meeting the other day how I used to have zero care for men and they were a dime a dozen to me...just moved on with my drinking and education and never really needed a man in my life...well it was rare indeed.

I've got a lot going for me right now anyhow...trying to decide between buying a house in the Billings area or going to school in 2018 for my PHD in psychology.
Also working as a peer mentor and running my own business for that...so maybe I dont have any business starting a new relationship.  Maybe???  
