
Fourteen spliced to Thirty-four.
In time, in years and the spaces between.
In the Ourglass.
At your command.

This skin that I am in is not of me...
Must cover it up.
Must be something beautiful,
for I do not feel on the inside.
because I am shy.
Why am I so afraid?

This Barbie is plastic...
and her tears are black.
And the way she cries all the time?
because her body is brittle,
and she is scarred.

Outside and inside...
ripped to shreds.
And nails she tries to hammer,
crumble into not.
She never got solid.

Self concept twister.
Swirling laughter,
drunken escape.
Because she is wrong,
every time she turns her cheek.

From this angle and that.
Not the right measurements.
Too much.
Not enough.
The sifter Ourglass, at work.

Beautiful monster
True lier.
Happy sorrow.
Bitter sweet.
Black and white.

Seeks truth.
Average talent.

Chasing the fox,
whose chasing the rabbit,
who buried the monster,
who swallowed the key,
that showed up in my dream.

But didn't I bury that monster?
Didn't I tame the Beast?
I slay the dragon.
My Hero.
Your Heroine.

Dark side, light.
No broken promises.
Pull me through.
I've done what you told me to do.

I've met you.
Where we planned.