Collect Call

You get one call...just one.
Who is it going to be?
You are in jail and there is no escaping the cold hard cuffs.
You get one ransom.
You get one choice.
You get one man.
You care called True, T-Ruth.
I called Evelyn.
Necklace of Pearls, called Ann.
And it was only the soul of a shoe.
You are down to a Penny.
Nothing left to Bank on.
Wait for my ring.
Measure my waste with a tape measure.
Calculate within a million micrometers.
Cut it in half,
and tell me we wouldn't find each other again.
We were a cord.
We were a song in tune.
We were the fiddlers on the roof,
We were the dreamers and the believers.
And here we're Home.
The Smiths and the Forts and the Blacks.
A wanted man.
I love withstand centuries.
Dispensary? and the heart shaped box?
Where the key was.
And it was in a cell phone the whole time.
A "chip" and a key and note and reminder.
Purple and Gold Trinity with White.
Football is Family.
444 Burlington Railroad...
White the opposite of Black.
Half Crazy, half not...split eggs.
He-she loves whole she-he.
Free fall, one free call!!!
Call Nan...and tell her I got you on the line!
Freedom rings!!!
And love with stands time...
and OURGLASS....hmmmmmm.
That time in sand, that rhyme and rhythm.
and decades and pain...and all the just the same.
My left hand shakes...tremors at the noise!
Cheering, cheering...and the whole right pointer finger...
zips along this keyboard in response!!!
I just had to reach out and tell you Mr. Black!
Yin Yang...white chick is cray cray.
O 2  B 16  I 0  N 1  G 87