Publishing News

YEAHAW~!!! I sent the first 30 pages of Fairytale of a Felony Stalker to a publisher in London and they want to read the rest! What a positive direction for the new year!!! I am so excited!
The time it has taken for me to get the nerve and work I have put into my book spiritually and editorially has seemed like ages!

There will be no secrets anymore, and I think that is for the best! The things you hide keep you sick.  Also my PO said something weird to me the other day to the fact that they are waiting to see if there is more to me than what appears.  And I am like what happens to me is all on my blog!  And I am not dangerous.  It was really weird how he said if I am under surveillance to commit some heinous crime.  That is stigma right there.  I am pretty peaceful in my wackiness.

So the book is where it all began...I started writing Adam a letter and I found it very comforting and it turned into a book about my recovery, and ultimately a journey through psychosis. I went to the heaven realm for the first time and it is all in that book!  I surely don't know how to explain these things to people when they ask me, or how or why it happens to me, but it is interesting for sure.  My mind has the World of Flatt and ConCord all wrapped up in it.

This couldn't have come at a better time!  I have been feeling so blah from the meds, just very normal and boring...I would have to say the most bored I have been since getting sober. I had prided myself for so long that sobriety was not boring for me and I knew how to entertain myself and there was always something happening.  And heck I have a felony trial coming up on January 4th and that's just status quo by now.

As I have always said if I get published and make money on this book I am sharing it with Adam.  After all I would have never written it without him, and of course never experienced heaven.  WAHOO!