Treasures in NevaeH

Curl e cues, stop!
Smiles and laughter I hear...
Golden child I swear it.
I would name her True, or Truth, like Ruth with a T.
I don't know why this desire for a daughter won't leave me.
She is other side, I know it.
In Flatt, I shouldn't...I can't anymore...I don't dare have these thoughts!
To give birth? To give birth to a daughter?
It would probably be a son, I would name him True.
Kind of rhymes with common Drew.

Dream says there is a "stop sign" around the right mans breast plate.
It was a geometric pattern of tattoos in large lines all over his chest.
I noticed the hexagon was more like a sloppy "sectagon,"
Placed on largely on the right side.
Why I asked, "just stop!"

I woke up with the thought clearly on my mind that I should not be with Dragon physically anymore...well he did break up with just wasn't a clean break. And now it is muddled with my waning need to be close to him, when I am suppose to be going the other way. Oh, Dragon Heart I don't know what to do! I am in confusion and I know the best answer is to not "go there!" Not right now...just wait. Just stop!

I am ridiculous with my need to procreate with's because he is younger and I feel that is what he needs out of Flatt...and I know it is what he wants too.  Only I know he is to have True a boy, and I want Truth.

And then I remember Taiyah Jane...I wanted her too. There is something about me and a daughter that won't let up. She has Black hair...curly. Rosy red lips and is whole human. Not sick, not disfigured or spectrum disorders...I feel like I could hold her there. In my mind.

And the crows are busy talking this morning. They just say caw and I think it's a boding warning of the day I awake and know I have a daughter...somewhere.