The Other Side of Dog Shit

Is it worth it?
My story? My love?
Two years later lmfao!
Now that is dog shit!
Now that is dedication!
A little emotional about my dog shit day...
Do I deserve this?
Did I deserve any of this?'s all way fukn cool wit me anyhow.
This story gets better everyday!
I thought about the way people say I shine now...
And about the opportunity recently handed me based,
Souly on my integrity and inner beauty...
For this man cannot see my freckles or my big saucer blue eyes.
Someone who believes the disabled are worth investment and honor.
Well dog shit me up!
Elbow me up in dog shit and I am still fukn beautiful...
Inside and out.
And people treating me like scum sucking algae or what they feed upon?
Simply because I am ""mental?"
Well put your suits on zoots.
Don't want to give too much away...but I have a vehicle for my agenda
And it's upholstered in hundies.
Fuel and ammunition and I am educationally so lined up!
So kick the shit out me...when it's all said and done,
This "civil rights"story will be all the better!
Decriminalize mental illness and "Change Minds."
How does that sound for a non profit?
Anyway Ima have a business first...hire a lawyer and then I am gonna knock em down like dominoes,
Make the government match it in grants.

Okay it's just a wee little life plan!
Because elbow deep in dog shit destroyed me for about a minute satan and I shouldn't of even given you that!