Poem From Never Land

Pee's poor edge is hot bitch!
No it ain't, I am average.
Long jumper, high jumper first place once!
Your dance was off!
But I mimicked you every step?
What the hell are you talking about?
You are so funny!
Good then get that knife out my back...
But it's grown a fin as on this play.
Scales of measure.
Ordinary nothing but a rock.
Head strong.
When you come at me knock, and ask me,
I see your jaw drop...
But it was for swagger.
My appeal was that I handled the dagger.
Back betrayer, night flash day.
Fear. Aside whisper.
Am I ok?
Can I yell louder, cheerleader I don't understand you?
Am I speaking tongues?
cause I just schooled you.
Master Blind awakened two headed monster.
He was waiting for an answer,
I had already known.
So I step on that scene and say the first wrong thing I can think of!
And I say it loud.
Boom shift...histrionic.
But seriously reserved person!
A diagnosis of drama.
A seeker of attention and I been minding my own bizNehus.
Room, room no room can breathe with my tension.
Cut the air with a knife...
Oh wait everything I say is funny...
And I pee on Broadway like a star!
I am the headliner for this act,
All about who I am to become in that moment.
You are so randomly predictable!!!
What the hell we were just talking,
This is getting confusing!
You see I have these buzzers like bells.
And this is how I know your voice is not real.
You damn liar and thief messing up my serve.
I scored all aces in that game...
Lying bitch making me hit a home run.
Screaming at me, teasing me.
High school? Grade school? You piece of shit liars!!!
You beat me then Mother Truckers.
In fact I heard you all the damn time.
But you are all dukn Friers.
I've lost hundreds of friends over your negative bs.
Always questioning, half not whole.
Wonder why self esteem beaten to a pulp?
Yeah I hear you again,
And you can shut the trunk up.
Because you are done beaten me...
You are fading and you know it.
And if you ever call me names again?
You will be locked away,
Because now I can decipher.
The pea's porridge is cold.
And they are all gonna laugh at you?
Yeah it's cause I am a comedian, thanks.