Army Medic

Put the needle on the record.
Tattooed Angel queen jail bait army.
Hook them and mate them.
Inoculated common thread, sickness don't spread.
To be in this army you have to right step, and know that you are.
Agnes? Agnes is that you? Ageless?
"Oh just returning from the war again, you?"
Oh I am fighting batshit persona today...
You see every medic has an arm, right brand.
Take this blood vile, here put on a band.
Call it being a vampire, call it Twilight.
Call it trading smart, don't fight.
Spin a history in circles...get expensive with it.
But remember we were always protected.
God's Will is safe.

Lol and all I did this morning was go to a doctors appointment!  Do you see the magnitude of extra sensory I deal with? And people call me stupid? Lmfao. Side to side, step right...Chica gone local tonight. Done saved the masses blind with glasses...and don't even really know why! They want my blood is all I know...been in every dream since I was four. Not that I can remember every dream...but my blood is a theme. I am either the sickest person on the planet or the healthiest? Weird shit...I am telling you my old nightmares are in the day now. Weird.