Epic Feature "CAN you READ MY mIND?"

So once upon a time there was this guy I developed a junior high crush on. We had a few lovely experiences together and then it was over because I was being a bad girl at that moment.  Anywho long story short is I wrote to him for two years while working on myself to recover from alcoholism. And lo and behold I have some out of this world psychotic experiences...I am a strange duck!
These experiences tell me he is my soul mate but in reality he hates me, I scare him and can't contact him for life. Quite an odd story really!  Seems to me people like odd stories, romantic even too. At least my version is. That's my first book.

The other extremely odd postings are for my second book still untitled as of yet. That's where I get real imaginative and am making up a story that goes along with my pychosis.  I have a very vivid imagination that I didn't know was still in me!  And I an excited!!! Most characters are loosely based on real people.  Since I didn't know Adam as a child I just assumed he liked to eat captain crunch berries in the morning and watched mtv you know Billi Idol and the Police...I do know he likes the police now haha!  They protect him from my keyboard. My ultimate girly fantasy is that we could put all this crazy drama behind us and he would forgive me and help me by giving real info about his life so I don't have to make it all up. But either way I am doing an awesome job developing Adam into a cross over character that is ultimately a hero in disguise.  You know A real Clark Kent...that's gonna rip off his car hearts and fly me up to the moon, oh boy howdy!!!!

Anyway all is so good and I love my life today!!! I earned this!  Sobriety looks good on me. This book makes me wet my pants...just saying that means it's turned on to high voltage!  Just wish I had more time to work on it.

Touché Adam.  Night night.