Emotional Sobriety Wrap Song lol

Attain what?
My goal and challenge...
These two words:
Emotional sobriety.
Emoticon internationality?
Ever rising festivity?
Elude me conditionally!!!
Make an example out of me?
Shudder at my ability want to change my state?
Of mind, what I'm a possibility?
Possibly dreaming big...
Ms. 406 Worldwide artisan.
Don't give me a microphone...
I would pass the funk out...
But I walk the stage of life...
Like a vandal and watch XO ice,
Light up her one candle, nice.
And wave it in the air, because she cares.
Political, articulate and just for the helluvit,
Ya want the hot rod?
I am off my track...
And I cannot lie...
My brothers and sisters can't deny...
That I am not Fergie, dang.

You know when at someone loses at something and it goes wan wan wan...?
I gong show me not a rapper...at least it started well and it's the thought that counts right?
I shall post it silly anyhow!