Secrets Captain, I will keep them...
but if to lay a novel lair, I as a novice,
yet apprentice, in need of lessons foretold.
Shall I shell a story before I sell it?
You set before me my twin shadow,
my yin and yang and strange one.
How is tall and dark does he Fair Lee well?
Intricate ship design I presume, he hides well.
To steal but one shred of the evidence,
Dean Nor Ann, is of protection.
We shall bide our time when explaining such things.
Aunt Tea to Bye Pull Her Hair...extends warmest welcome,
to Sons of Sham and ridicule.
All Call Hall Icks and Add dicks.
Transister's twisted, and brotheirs.
Bisickles, witches ride.
Loners. Degenerated half asses.
Hairy yuppie lip.
Globulated fat chicks.
Medical experiments of cows.
McDonald had a farm...not a factory.
Cons Piracy of Gene Mutants, selected bio...
Retaliation of stripes.
Tell the one I love...of Rising Eve.
Is this not of the biblical destiny?
Right, Left, Right, Left.
Live and Dye she may to this day.
Love or die she may to this day.
Flippant to the happenings of the morphed.
Game run it back wars.
Halves to wholes.
Darwin...survival, servile...sick to whole.
Must have frightening pheromone onslaught...
For this kind of sociological story to unfold.
Now stop evolving and start degrading.
Gene Cons Piracy.
but if to lay a novel lair, I as a novice,
yet apprentice, in need of lessons foretold.
Shall I shell a story before I sell it?
You set before me my twin shadow,
my yin and yang and strange one.
How is tall and dark does he Fair Lee well?
Intricate ship design I presume, he hides well.
To steal but one shred of the evidence,
Dean Nor Ann, is of protection.
We shall bide our time when explaining such things.
Aunt Tea to Bye Pull Her Hair...extends warmest welcome,
to Sons of Sham and ridicule.
All Call Hall Icks and Add dicks.
Transister's twisted, and brotheirs.
Bisickles, witches ride.
Loners. Degenerated half asses.
Hairy yuppie lip.
Globulated fat chicks.
Medical experiments of cows.
McDonald had a farm...not a factory.
Cons Piracy of Gene Mutants, selected bio...
Retaliation of stripes.
Tell the one I love...of Rising Eve.
Is this not of the biblical destiny?
Right, Left, Right, Left.
Live and Dye she may to this day.
Love or die she may to this day.
Flippant to the happenings of the morphed.
Game run it back wars.
Halves to wholes.
Darwin...survival, servile...sick to whole.
Must have frightening pheromone onslaught...
For this kind of sociological story to unfold.
Now stop evolving and start degrading.
Gene Cons Piracy.