Frog and da Princexessssssss....

Yes, Miss Mayhem, ahem that's me...
Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo tell me you've changed your mind?
And my aggressive tactics are so adorable you just cant stop...
Loving me.
IMA send you my hair, the witch cut it off,
and when you touch it, you will turn all shades of vibrant,
and come back to life!
You will finally see in color, and you will only see me as, yours.
Oh of the Montagues, my fair Raposa...
You are bored, I can tell.
Come sail away with me so that we can rely on each other
ah ha, from one love onto another aha.
Trivial pursuit, I know.
You just didn't know you were a prince frog...a freaking weirdo.
I have all this proof, can't you see that?
Only half crazy really.
I am at the top of the tower in freaking distress because I lost...
I don't know what I lost I cant remember, but it was something
Oh how I love to write, and wrote is my calling card.
I am nimble with it like a ninja...crawling in the dark and peeking in windows.
Although no I don't.
Could be so much cooler, if I half as tried.
I was told today "You are fatter, but you look better."
Why the funk say that to someone who worked out 6 days a week for a year.
Damn.  Cuth worse than mine.

Okay this rant is totally lame and not about princess of exsess.  I don't even get my hair or nails did. I shower. I put on mascara. Dress with whats left that fits me...I am now a "size sweats."
Thank you ABilify, it has been nice knowing you, I am done.

Goodnight you fellownerds.  And I say that in the most endearing and loving manner.  Nerd is the new Jock.

Ah yes I forgot...Princess of Excess was suppose be about me and my need for attention.  I am a diagnosable drama queen who knew?  I am just so completely flabbergasted with how profound I am I cant stop!  PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!  LOL I call it histrionica harmonica...