The Ideas of March

I decided to make my blog private for a while to edit it. Simply the mistakes on it disgust me. I am suppose to get my laptop back on March 15th. Seriously think it will be so much better to work front computer.  How can I be taken seriously if my grammar. And punctuation! Is so messed up..,plus this phone has some sort of scrolling problem I have yet to figure out.

Plus it's plumb fukn rude and disrespectful to be going on and on about a story of another guy when there is someone else on my life matter the status. It's just not right, I am sure anyone would agree.

Adam is kinda making me yawn, anyway. In April it will be a year since I have seen his baby blues...ah right they are brown. But of course I see his truck 50 shades of white silverados every fukn day. As if I expect some kind of connection to happen at a stoplight...actually he could be in Cali for all I know. How ex ordinary he really is...and yes I said ordinary.

I really don't know how this all happened.  Yeah no I don't. Other than we both got some huge ass characters in the other realm. It also happens that I have gotten pleasantly plump over the winter so at least for a week I am going to try to make working out my priority.  I say a week because if I do good for a week I would probably be hooked again.

Anyhow, 8 days til I have my laptop and can make corrections.  Who knows maybe I will come back and be over Adam? Do you think?
