
Soul seeds. Strangers, side by side twin flames.
A like from the womb, dancing in chaos.
Spiritually speaking in utero, suckling of the same cord,
simultaneously intermingle with our dreams and visions.
Twisted up and touching every inch of nothing,
But a sideways glance and a sideways glare.
What you cannot have, your soul does know,
It's needed to learn and grow.
Don't tell me what I need, my twin!
You magnetic opposite flame!
The reaction duly noted topside.
And right side. Left side. And definitely on the bottom shelf.
You put me down there that's where you counted me.
And in so teaching I have outgrown you.
Did you not know why I was a sponge to you?
Oh brother of my heart did you not know why I saw you?
A twin heart beats in rythm to only two they know.
lub dub lub dub the sound it makes...
Love dove love dove flitters and breaks.
Soul dancing partners above...
Some other place I caution you hence to come.
And do it even if it is hard...worthwhilst. It is.
Tragedy is not in the wait, but in the loss of youth.
The waining of virility, handsome old angel.
To me you are.
It's but a wrinkle on the forehead of time.
And to twist the knife of fate,
The twin flames dance the soul dance so well, it's become though...
Cataclysmic property left to yard sale of a broken home.
Sell it all off and forget the little touch that sparked the fire.
The fire that burns the shared placenta, twin malnourished hate.
And with a kick in in utero neither to drown.
To be born not knowing. Not trusting.
Never fighting, never cease to amaze me.
Wage Battlefield two axes of the law.
Never raised my voice and come running the sirens.
Fear is in the heart and the two saw other perceptions.
Ridicule through spite, I saw you in the light.
But the room was dark as a womb.
Conceived of seeds,
 simple thoughts...
of how I had seen your soul around.
Opposites interpretation of oppositional reactions.

"Soul appointment. Magnetic healing of bipolar disorder through oppositional chemistry."
That is a book on my confiscated laptop had some real interesting theories.