Give me Your Eyes...Father

Give me Your eyes, Papa.
Father, so I can sea.
See beyond this train tonight,
Beyond your dreams child.

The last shall be first, and my Adams feel weak.
Allot they do.

My mind is shattered to a headache, and its 5 am and I awake,
to the line up.
Of this full day, my hands are not skilled,
I am a book reader, let me educate them.

Stronger now darlin, carry that tray.
But I am scared and I shake...straighten my legs.
I am hungry, and so are they.

Give them what they want, and they won't walk away.
Mix their drinks, shine their shoes, smiles and laughter, Judah please.

My OwnLee Zion, my only son, please don't!
Lion biology, beautiful one.

I am so sleepy papa, I need my glasses...
No my daughter it's the night, we are leaving without them...
Your eyes are beautiful and blue as The Sea Sons.

You will be okay this night.
Sleep and hush,
sleep bye day, up bi night.