Booked In Battle

So Ive been writing book 2.  Ya its pretty cool, but it draws me into the sketchitfindit frequency.  And now I am half in, and half out and very confused. If I wasnt in so much trouble in one world, maybe I could write the other in peace.  I feel like I am suppose to write this book, but I have friends, stomping into my house to perform exercision on me...they werent giving up on their plan. I went along with it eventually...and yes I do believe in the power in Jesus name, but I dont think I am possessed anymore, think I get attacked because there is something I am suppose to do for the Lord.

So I see in two realms...hmmmmmm. Feels like a movie...feels lik I am definently a psycho...oh well. Thats all I have been saying to the others, is yep...I hear you, but i dont know what you want and there is nothing I can do until I figure it out, accept to trust God, that everything is going to happen as he wants it.  And like the fate is not in my hands. I am I servant, merely a servant to God, and he can have all of me.  And I try to psychologically and spiritually wrap up all my trust and hope that I put into Adam, and ask God to take that for Himself.

I am really tired of the offense.  I really wanted Jesus to come back last night, so that we could all just see the good side. I believe he will.  I am one messed up person, just one...and it says in the bible that he would have died to save person, but he died for all. I think all includes every soul that has ever been.

I am sick of sickness, and my delusions see it all gone.  We are whole and happy and one.
The first one to the last one, and all in between. I dont know how to battle this except I must have legions of angels beside me, because I feel as though I speak a foreign language to this side. Tongues or not, I am recieved luke warm and critical. Half despised and mocked and no true acceptance.

See I am bipolock.
Half n Half, out.
All I know is yesterday,
was a tomorrow.
Psycho Stocker,
Trivial knowledge.
Cheered for once,
Then turn around,
Hated and feared.
No one understands...
but everybody does!
How confusing God!
Flip it like a pancake...
Seriously, again?
Attempt not,
Know I don't know.
Too are too much!
Nevermind, you're not enough.
Good frickin grief.
Just pull me to one side...
All ready?
Battle Alli gate doors,
Because I Am is fired up!
Switch to flip,
Now we are tried and true.
Open the floodgates
and stop rewinding
and repeating!
Knock out enemy center core.
Listen. Just Listen.
Now fight more.
Heaven saves knot yesterday,
knot tomorrow,
But for Today.