Blah blah blabitty Blah...

Anyway.  I am in love with a man in a book I wrote. Blah. In two days I will be sentenced for scaring the holy living terror out of a real man. Two felonies. I don't recommend this. Blah.
A. Scared man hates me.
B. It looks horrible on a resume.
C.  Refer to A.

Psychologically speaking its a miracle.  Blabitty. Yes,  God used a real man for me to write to and whamee one manifesto later I am all good, but i gotta move the funk on.  I really dont know what else to say about how weird it all is...fricken dumbfounded bs.  Out there.  Trashed a dudes serenity for my own happy feelings, yes in my tummy, but whatever. Blah. I couldnt control it.  I call half n half...not all me, not all him, just a whole lot of crazy shit that I will tell my grandkids about.  Epic.

Guess what Love, Grace is Free...she escaped from behind some bars, that were never  meant for her.  I love you are so beautiful to me!  Have you seen Mercy lately?  She is a bombshell...and Faith is so radiant you cant miss her!  Hope is sitting right next to me in my kitchen...we are baking up integrity and courage cupcakes....yum!  Harmony sings of peace over the airwaves, and so Eve says sleep well Grace. Sleep well Mercy, sleep well Faith, sleep Hope and Harmony, it is well.

Be back...hopefully Thursday night!