Dis Attraction

What a distraction.
What a non reaction.
How empty.
Crossroads, I know,
stop this train...
its not going anywhere.
I built these walls
for a reason, why
let them be taken down?
So easy for nothing.

Shame, sham, distraction.
Heartbeat slow, not
in a good way. Disinterested.
Arrested dreams of not,
who I am...nor desire.

Just waisted time. No.
Momentum. Surface level,
cheap. Dull, aching sharp
memories of you. Distance.

Never heard.

Loves game timer,
ticks on.
Flesh torn in futility
to please. For...

Nothing. No passion.
No future.
No reason,
to appear, gone on.
Someone else,
empty, no eclipse.
No yin yang.
No calamity...
To find serenity, and
yields no butterflies,
all the same.
I never had.

All the same...
Dis Attraction.
Energy lost...
smoldered and gone.
Without ever having.

Stomach, deep down.
Gut feeling...
know must let go,
two thrive.

Dont settle.
For Less.
Just be.
