Winters storyline...Book 2!!!

This is something I wrote a year ago...part from the confiscated computer!!!  I found it in an email and chopped it up to not be such a long post, but if I get my computer back i want to work on this story all winter!  I think If I am stable and graduate mental health court in January I might have to get a real job, or something provable to commoners lol.


cShe didnt wait to answer for fear the courage would leave her. "I will go last," She said as one, two, three,, a trinity of tears silently rolled down her face. This was a great honor in the realm, but she knew the pain it brought on earth.  She had been last before and this weight bound to earth meant a life of societal torture and misery.  She had been burned at the stake the last time. She pushed back the memory and stood tall before the King.

"Remember the real battle is here.  You will not know who you are until the realms unify. You will find no man's love, until you find the last one. And then you will have to fight on both fronts. As the last on earth, you will be first here and it is both your jobs to get everyone home safely. The battle will end when every soul is paired and the enemy is defeated."

She nodded and the guards took her to her chambers where she would lay down to dream. And in this dream she would be born to earth...with no memories of this realm.  She had no idea what to expect of earth this time, it was always changing. She would be born new and the earthen dreams her only guide. She laid down, took slow deep breaths, soon she was ina nightmare, she felt like she was drowning.

She is surrounded by water and soft walls of flesh. She can hear her King "Remember you are a princess." She knows she will forget, but she responds in trust, that she knows..."I am ready." This is the last time she will be strong so she kicks and pushes with vigor, as if to forge the unknown battle ahead. She can vaguely hear the others in the realm...but she feels alone, and then she hears a sharp scream of pain.  It is her mother, she in fear, Azraela  kicks hard and breaks the water. The realm is forgotten and she hears one world only.  She screams.

Suddenly where there was once peace inside her being, the is now unrest, fear, demonic strongholds and a generational curse of sin, placed in her as a seed.  The seed is dormant in her genetics and not apparent in her physicality, nor would it be until it is her time to cross over.  Father wounds are carried in this child, as many many others.  She is a beautiful healthy baby girl with big blue eyes. Her mother is young and she holds her close unknowing what is hidden in the seed, in a new born named, Evelyn.

Azraela awoke to the sound of sirens, a million birds screaming, the New War, the Last War.  Had begun. She gets up and puts on her armor. She had just witnessed her soul being born on earth and she knew that the enemy would do everything he could to posess her there.


"Ain't it the good life?".  She hollered as she rolled up in a brand new car! And she laughed and spun out her wheels as she roared past Evelyn.  Evelyn was a nervous girl. Her big blue eyes made her look scared, even when she wasn't, but she actually was quite a bit.  She never quite fit in, but this was freshman year, and each year she vowed to be better than the last socially...and she had made cheerleader. Somehow the teachers thought Evelyn a straight A student and bookworm, had what it took to lead a made her squeemish. But that morning she felt cute in her little skirt and her hair had curled just right. This was high school "Let's do this." She said as she walked through the front doors with her head held high, but of course the boys in her class just laughed.  They always laughed and teased her to no end, and she took it to heart.  But somehow she knew those boys didn't matter much, anymore. She had made it, in that little town.

His face hit the dirt. Not this again, he thought. He was the last, but he didnt know it. He lived in a big dirty city and all his family were drug dealers. He didnt want to be like them, but there really was no ther way...its just what he knew.  He was getting beat up at the moment. He was real skinny and not much for fighting, but the bullies always knew he had pot on him. And his brother would definently kick his ass for this too.  It was the first day of high school no less.  He could hear his brother Charlie now "Adam, why do you have to be such a loner?"...It was over, about fifty bucks lost and he picked himself up and dusted himself off.  "Its just high school, Let's do this." He thought and stared straight ahead as he walked into the school, head high and posture perfect.
