
So guess what?  i am influential with potential...what?  So seemingly destructive and taken down with a glorious purpose!  Yes me, myself and i have hobknobbed with every good deed doer in this city!!! I worked on committees that discussed mental illness and societal problems.  i met the directors of every social service outfit in this town and wined and dined their shindigs and knew the lingo and behavior...posture, poise and heart did i have!  Yes i was an Americorps volunteer that orchestrated events to help the people just like me...that were so not like me!
Theres a documentary called the Criminaliztion of the Mentally Ill.  All about our prison systems..i was a researcher...i said lets solve these problems!  And now...well now God has given me my own legal story!  It is so perfect! How could i have not seen this?  I had to UA because i was the biggest sinner to ever roam the earth.  You try peeing on Broadway in your hometown with fear like that!  I am the pretty girl psychotic in a jail cell that is educated and eloquent!  I think i have story about what it is like to be pushed through the legal system in confusion and terror. You try being on trial for creating abortion, and see if you can't hold it together fo show? And peoples faces morphing right in front of you, and calling you evil. Do you want to hear this story? We could make it a movie...
So my good deed doer father figure Director of the library used to come to my kids birthday parties...he bought them books.  I had all those good deed doers loving on me and praising the work i did.  Offering me jobs...well where are they now?  I was one of their own. And then psychosis and some texting lands me in jail and my heart was smashed by the director of the library because he said "You are making poor choices, get a job!"
UGGGHHH!  This is wrong!  And I just pray let me be well long enough to make some noise about it.  Someone done messed with the wrong cat!  Dont you know who I am? I cannot wait to see how God uses me!  Amen brother can you hear me yet!  Yeah I am a felon...thanks for the upgrade Adam haha!  Home of the brave!
