Reformatting My Story

Something truly interesting occurred in the Summer of 2014. I was hospitalized again and it changed my entire story. Made it all make sense. I started adding sections within the words, I had wrote last year. It is a revelation of sorts of a societal nature, and maybe the answer to Men Tell Illness.  I know that my revelation in my last psychosis helped me understand myself better, and more what happened between me and Adam.

I added this piece a couple weeks ago and like it and wanted to share.

So this was all I ever needed in my soul and mind to feel accepted into God’s Kingdom. My way wandered all around the world.  I have been trapped in many periods of history, many different races, and cultures.  All to get to heaven.  My spiritual solution, to a mental problem.  But you are never going to believe what happens to me when we play Naked Twister. But wait we are fully clothed, you in a Car Heart…orangish, tannish sweatshirt, knarly genes, and splattered up workboots, and are at first hugging me in my kitchen.  Then we sit on the couch, and I put my fallen out thin blonde curly hair close to your thick black locks. Then your lips touch mine and you ask me “YES, OR NO?” So I touch your left ribbed Evil Centaur, with all five fingers of my right hand. This is determined to be a safe touch, based on the quality of your spleen in that quadrant, and how I know, is medical school. Your lymph system is healthy, but I have sensed your frailness lately, and know that if we went back to that time, I could touch my left ring finger, to your Umbilicus Wizard and you would be restored to grandeur. So when the electricity happens with the friction of “yes,” I was telecommunicated spiritually into another realm. If ye shall believe me…it was that night. Two days after I asked God, then all in two weeks later, now almost two years, and my heart remembers your beat. I hear the thump, thump, thump, when I put my head under water. In Utero, like blood of the ventricles connected in blue, because you know that blood is blue until it reaches oxygen. Blue like my eyes.  Crazy, but I can still feel the flow of yours coursing through my cerebrum, and it lit it up like a Christmas Tree, repeatedly.  This is only a type of energy conserved through ancestry.  I tell you this Adam, because on that Eve, I was a virgin. I was rising up, to become a woman. No longer sick.  And then the oxygen, the gasp for air, like the slap on the back of a newborn, deep and invigorating. And it took me there.