I mean man, a mean man, man! Rusty beat up truck and picking on me! Asshole. Perfect, just so perfectly mean to me!!! However did I survive? I got a twisted trans sister, lol. Mean, like he was meant for me...so blatant! Was he trying to hurt my feelings? Didn't work. I wrote a whole damn fairytale and my heart ain't broken. And I am a fell on knee stocker. Been collecting data up in my knoggin for a fortnight with seemingly no purpose until recent happenings. So smart and so pretty, and all those degrees I thought I had waisted. Waisted like measuring tape around me for a belt. Waisted time? No not one bit...I've enjoyed my time. It was my pleasure! And I never got waisted! Hells bells are going off because my nightmares are gone, and now I see heaven pretty darn clearly. And I have CON MAN SCENTS! I think we should legalize Marry Want To? Aka the big stirring "POT", and forget about Probait Son and Peril, paying for jail for some damn hippies, since the 60's? Who's thinking that shit up?
Ah, the Air Force Commander, baby! "Cell One, I freebased landed the aircraft and she won't stop texting me? What do I do?" "But I am a good girl!!! Really, please, please, please ME, I am!" No one has ever measured me for a belt with a metal tape measir, it was too hot to handle! I am going crazy all my damn life, over "four dinners," and I am creepy! Ah yes, A tad bit insane, just a scosh. But more of the beautiful kind now, then the scary. Can I put a flower in your hair and we dance in the moonlight? How about howl at the moon together, I am sure there are scarier things on the movies? In the words of a singer I don't like "BABY I WAS BORN THIS WAY." Men been mean my whole life, but so not your "puuurrfect" amount! MEOW...that is sexy!
So there I was, So All Co Hall Lick Lee sick 9-17-2012. Now I am so much betta than betta, and real as eva...not even two years! And the little lover boy did it. The little mean boy, sticking out his tongue at me!!! All my life! All my life been searching for the mean of my dreams! I met you in my sandbox a long ass time ago, we were playing Barbie's and you drove the DumpHER Truck! Bet you didn't know I read men backwards! Your the first one I have ever figured this out on! Holy balls batman! All my life makes sense. What a trip! 34 year old woman falls in love for the first time, and feels chemistry for the first time...what the hell does that mean? And who wouldn't get a fell on knee for it? C'mon!!! For texting, while insane? What was I trying to tell him? What the hell am I up against in this little town...a damn posse? A brigade? A line of football players? I tried those I don't like em. Call me femme Fatal Attraction, because I am the weirdest woman to fall in love with the weirdest man! And love on him despite the entire universe! And write a whole damn book to him which only God knew why. I am getting felonies, on this JOB GOD GAVE ME! Poor disabled woman! Awesome and Real Weird I am, right? It's my Fairytail and they've got my "Prints" held captive with a lifetime restraining order against me! Kind of like fingerprints in booking for jail...what a match! I think its just like a Disney Story! My Disney Story! Miranda dye BLACK INK!!! Eve Rising, I am.
Ah, the Air Force Commander, baby! "Cell One, I freebased landed the aircraft and she won't stop texting me? What do I do?" "But I am a good girl!!! Really, please, please, please ME, I am!" No one has ever measured me for a belt with a metal tape measir, it was too hot to handle! I am going crazy all my damn life, over "four dinners," and I am creepy! Ah yes, A tad bit insane, just a scosh. But more of the beautiful kind now, then the scary. Can I put a flower in your hair and we dance in the moonlight? How about howl at the moon together, I am sure there are scarier things on the movies? In the words of a singer I don't like "BABY I WAS BORN THIS WAY." Men been mean my whole life, but so not your "puuurrfect" amount! MEOW...that is sexy!
So there I was, So All Co Hall Lick Lee sick 9-17-2012. Now I am so much betta than betta, and real as eva...not even two years! And the little lover boy did it. The little mean boy, sticking out his tongue at me!!! All my life! All my life been searching for the mean of my dreams! I met you in my sandbox a long ass time ago, we were playing Barbie's and you drove the DumpHER Truck! Bet you didn't know I read men backwards! Your the first one I have ever figured this out on! Holy balls batman! All my life makes sense. What a trip! 34 year old woman falls in love for the first time, and feels chemistry for the first time...what the hell does that mean? And who wouldn't get a fell on knee for it? C'mon!!! For texting, while insane? What was I trying to tell him? What the hell am I up against in this little town...a damn posse? A brigade? A line of football players? I tried those I don't like em. Call me femme Fatal Attraction, because I am the weirdest woman to fall in love with the weirdest man! And love on him despite the entire universe! And write a whole damn book to him which only God knew why. I am getting felonies, on this JOB GOD GAVE ME! Poor disabled woman! Awesome and Real Weird I am, right? It's my Fairytail and they've got my "Prints" held captive with a lifetime restraining order against me! Kind of like fingerprints in booking for jail...what a match! I think its just like a Disney Story! My Disney Story! Miranda dye BLACK INK!!! Eve Rising, I am.