Shadow Man

How the heck Shadow Man?
What the heck Shadow Man?
How?  Why?  What? Where? When?
What the fuk?
I turned you into a prince...
Paper Man.
Thought you was special.
Someone worthwhile, while
meaning to me, it was all fake.
How the heck God, did you write
this story? I am talking a 17 year
psychosis story ended on this
Shadow Man?
He is nowhere and no one to me,
but a vision.
This is some trippy shit, God!
He's just some drunk guy with
high standards, calls me dangerous!
How did you use this simple minded, fearful
man to heal me?
Nightmares gone, I dont understand?
They used to make me stop
breathing in my sleep, apnea.
Corrected psychology victim of rape,
because he was gentle?
Figured out my life, cause he was gentle?
Wtf cause he was gentle?
Gentle? wtf.
Why? Why this fixation?
I am so frustrated.
He was never real?
This is too much God.
Never real, but why real to me?
Fantasy created reality for me.
Humans are fukn weird.
And he is just a gone Shadow.
In and out.
No understanding, no care.
A pauper I made my prince.
My fairytale.
My journey.
Step out of that Shadow, Woman.
Snap out of it...Shadow Woman.
WTF, gentleman?

I am going to have to publish my book soon to get help figuring this out.  I dont know how it all happened, its not like I did it on purpose, or planned psychosis or was trying to be healed, or whatever the heck transpired freaks me out. My brain cannot wrap around this adventure today and nor do I truly have any bad feelings towards real man, but I am just questioning it all.  And I doubt that anyone has an answer that would satisfy me besides my maker. No one has ever been able to understand or explain what happens to me.  Even my psychologist has no room for spirituality in it, I am like are ya fukn kidding me?  I have no one to talk to about that part of it...backwards society that can make movies about all sorts of supernatural, and then it happens and you get hung up by your ankles naked and whipped raw, like the dark ages.
If anyone is scared of me, think about how I fukn feel...its scary for me!  Its too big to understand anymore.  God help!