Love Bug Bite

Clear! Clear! Shock her again! What happened Miranda?  Oh I was just bitten by a love bug! Damn it was breathtaking!  Is that it?  How ever did you survive???  Well you see it's like this and I can't ever shut up about it!

So I just asked a resident to tell me about being in love...Just to get some outside perspective.  It was second grade he said!  Awe! Twenty six years they were married and then a divorce. Damn love bug!

And then this eighties song! Someday love will find you...Break those chains that bind you!  Haha what a fricken process to break those chains!  Love is the best thing ever!

I don't even care if I am alone, lol! I'm just enamored that I can do that!!!  Like what the hell?  I can love!  I can love like a fricken weirdo! Like not care what anyone says! Not care if it's the most obviously not mutual thing ever!  Oh it fills me with joy!  Lock me up I love him!  It's so pathetically true! Cuff me! It's so true. Put me in the slammer...Never let me out!  Throw away the key!

Oh lord I've been bitten hard. And I am letting go...It's a process bear with me!  Really I'm working on it. Lol. Dude. I am beyond ridiculous...And yet filled with joy... Definitely psycho!!! I don't know why but I can't stop laughing.  Oh God I don't know what to do!!! I'm never gonna live this down! Freaking love bug I'm screwed. It's embarrassing to say. But I don't care...I don't think I register embarrassment anymore!  This register is closed!

I just love and that makes me happy. I'm sorry I may be twisted and warped but full of love! I can think of worse things.
